Friday, March 2, 2012

Adcetris Day-4, Cycle 1

Well I'm not coming down with anything, I feel slightly better today than I did yesterday.
My back is still aching like mad, and I woke this morning feeling like I'd been wrestling with a gorilla all night and lost.
Now that it's mid afternoon I basically feel OK, a little achy and that's about it.
I've had a slightly uncomfortable stomach for the last couple of days and felt the need to urgently use the toilet a couple of times, but it's never really gotten to the diarrhea stage. A side effect of the Adcetris?

It's early days yet but I think there has been a slight improvement in both my cough and itch, this might just be wishful thinking so I'll wait a few more days before declaring a definate result.

The talk at the car club last night went well. I really had no idea what I was going to talk about when I first stood up. I wasn't even sure I was going to be able to talk without coughing.
I started out by talking about finding the enlarged lymph node on my neck back in 2005, from there I told the audience we could head off on several different tangents. My motorsport and how cancer has driven me to achieve in that area,  a brief overview of my medical treatments or any number of tangents from there.

We decided to stick with the cancer journey. I was expected to talk for around 15 minutes. I gave a talk that lasted well over an hour and yet only just brushed over most aspects of my treatment and various escapades related to it over the last seven years. I had to keep saying "but that's another story, so we won't go down that path", If I'd tried to cover everything we would have been there until 3am!

I think the other car club members enjoyed the talk, I got a few laughs out of them and no one seemed to be in any hurry to leave.  ..a most enjoyable night.  I'll have to do a talk on my motorsport one day!.. :)

..Till Tomorrow

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hi Ron my doctor is now reading your blog and refering patients also. She is finding it very interesting.