Monday, July 20, 2009


As mentioned in the previous post I have convinced my GP to prescribe a course of the steroid prednisone. My thinking was that it would suppress my immune system enough to stop the inflammation in my lungs and put an end to my cough. I'd also hoped that maybe the reduced inflammation would stop the fevers as well.

The very same day I started the steroid my fever stopped. That would tend to indicate that my immune system was in over-drive as there was no way it could have been as a result of reduced lung inflammation in such a short time frame.
I have now enjoyed five days of total normal everyday life. No fevers, no fatigue and only a minor cough that feels more like the legacy of a cold than the choking dry cough of the previous three months.

I feel completely well. It's amazing.
Of course the steroids will run their course by the end of the week and it all may return. I guess I shall find out. I'm hoping that the break in the fevers may be enough to "reprogram" my immune system so that it learns to ignore whatever it is that causes it to over-react with the constant fever. (I'm hoping it's not lymphoma!)
Maybe it doesn't work that way... I don't know, But I can hope.