Friday, April 3, 2009

Platelets 72

I had a blood test today, and I'm pleased to say my platelets have now risen to a very safe 72 . My white cell count and Neutrophils are also very good and are now in the normal range. The straggler seems to be my red cells and haemoglobin which are below normal and explains why I get a bit breathless when I exercise. I'm sure they will also come back up given a few more weeks.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Not much happening..

I've now completely recovered from my ulcers and my mouth and throat are back to normal again.
I have an appointment at the hospital later in the week, at which time I'll have another blood test and see how high the numbers are getting.

Other than that I have a follow-up appointment with the haematologist in mid April to discuss how things are post transplant. There are no PET or CT scans scheduled at this point in time and until I have had a scan there is no way of knowing how successful the treatment has been.

In the mean time every itch, every ache or sweat leaves me wondering if it has returned.
I've been told that you never get over cancer. You spend the rest of your life worrying about it's possible return. I try to put it out of my mind. I have no cough, I have no night sweats, no pulsing back ache. I shall just have to learn to relax and enjoy the good health.

I've started exercising again. Sarah and I went for an hour long walk last night and shall do the same again this evening. The idea is to make it a regular thing that we do before dinner. The alternative is to sit on the couch, watch mindless telly and eat snacks, not exactly good for the body or the mind.