Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why I should never forget to take my prednisone...

This morning I forgot to take my pred.

It was about 11am before I realised it and I was out at the time. I wasn't completely sure I'd forgotten but I figured that if I got a couple of aches and pains I'd know for sure and then I'd take it when I got home.Bzzzzztt!!  WRONG!

By 11:30am I was racked in pain and my legs were not working properly due to the pain spasms in my hips. I barely made it home, driving was very difficult.
I fell in the door, grabbed my 10mg dose of prednisone as I passed the kitchen and then downed some paracetamol and nurofen as I collapsed into bed shivering and writhing in agony.

Two hours later I was finally able to crawl out of bed. It's now five hours since the pain started and I'm still feeling nauseous and weak.

I will not do that again. Next time if I think I have forgotten I will just take the them anyway. It's better to double dose than live through that nightmare again.

and I used to say "a little bit of pain never hurt anybody" obviously I'll need to re-think that one.

Right! No time to lull about being sick... I'm off to save Apollo 13 from imminent doom..  ;)    See link below)