Saturday, July 23, 2011

A quick one..

I was given two units of whole blood last Monday and within a couple of hours I was bouncing off the walls with energy!
My perceived fitness shot up from around 5-7% to 25-30% of what I consider normal.
I went from being a sloth that shuffled around the house and groaned every time I had to get up off the couch one day to jumping in my car and visiting customers in the motor trade and letting them know I'm still alive the next day.

The new blood is slowly being consumed though, I can feel my energy levels waning slightly each day.
I've been walking on the treadmill and the stationary bike every day. Leg strength is improving but I think it will take months and a lower doss of prednisone before I can build any muscle mass.

I managed to get that horrible cold that's going round too, so it's impossible to say how much this cough I currently have is from that or lung problems.

I'm back in hospital on Wednesday 27th for pre-op tests and more blood and platelets.. maybe just platelets.. depends on the counts.
I have my fingers crossed for a minor operation and being back home after a very short stay.

Next post will be from my hospital bed...
