Monday, August 10, 2009

A tiny lump.. and a new focus

I've just found a tiny (4mm) lump on the left side of my neck at the collarbone.
It may be just an enlarged lymph node as a result of this horrible cold I've been battling for the last week, however it does have the same feel to it as the last lymphoma that appeared on my neck back in October 2007.

I've found that I still have an appointment logged in the hospital system for next Thursday.
It was supposed to have been deleted as they now don't want to see me until mid October.
However I phoned the hospital today to see if it was still in the system and it is. So I will just show up next Thursday and show the haematologist the lump. It's not like they can send me away :)

I'm battling with lethargy this week. I couldn't get out of bed today till late morning. Hope it's just the legacy of this darn cold.

Oh and speaking of energy and lethargy.. I didn't get another round of prednisone last week. The doctor said she didn't know enough about my situation and wanted to do some research and ask my haematologist. I might as well bring that up next week too and sort it myself.

The new house has finally gotten underway with the breaking of ground happening last week.
An excavator cleared the section and drive of topsoil in preparation for the cut into the hillside for the foundations.

On the motorsport front there's some very exciting news. One of my goals has been to one day compete in the Dunlop Targa road race. This is an event that is held every year and runs from Auckland to Wellington over a period of six days.
It's rather expensive to enter so I've always considered it a "wish list" item. You know.. one of those things you'd love to do if you had the money.

I've had a proposal put to me by fellow motorsport competitor Victor Yuen that we enter the event with the aim of raising money for the NZ Cancer Society. Our costs will hopefully be met by sponsors that we bring on board who want to be a part of this exciting adventure.

More details later as the finer points are sorted. (email me if you think you can help us in any way)