Monday, February 20, 2012

Adcetris Chemotherapy booked.

Dr Isaacs phoned today and said he can administer the Adcetris on Monday 27th Feb at 3pm.
The drug will be air freighted down from Auckland on the day. He assured me that the courier company has been given multiple warnings/instructions on keeping it chilled. At least now that we have four cycles worth safely in cold storage in Auckland we aren't at risk of loosing the whole lot again.

Healthwise I'm doing OK. Although I'm sweating and itching more and have a more productive cough than previously, I'm sure it's just asthma. A couple of other health issues have actually improved with the prednisone reduction, so over-all I'm fairly happy. A niggling ankle injury I've had for since May last year is finally coming right allowing me to exercise more, and walk without a limp.

My daughter Ashleigh and her fiancee arrive from Brisbane next Sunday for a two week stay. I'm quite looking forward to catching up with her and meeting Michael. I'm hoping the chemo doesn't have a big effect on me and we can spend some quality time together.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's Here!!

I received an email from Anita, the haematology pharmacist at Wellington Hospital, on Friday evening.
The Adcetris has arrived safely and a the right temperature this time. All going well I should have my first cycle sometime next week. I'll post the details once I've been advised by Dr Isaacs.

PS: I've decided to use the name Adcetris when referring to the drug Brentuximab Vedotin in my posts from now on. The Doctors here all call it Brentuximab but it would seem that the rest of the world prefers the name it is marketed under, so to make it easier for people searching for references to the drug by that name I shall use Adcetris from now on.
