Thursday, May 21, 2009

Complete Remission !!!

I just missed a phone call on my mobile.. I knew straight away that it was important, it stopped ringing just as I reached into my pocket to pick it up.

My voice mail notification went off a few seconds later..
It was Dr D'Souza, he had been able to confer with the radiologist and they have agreed that other than some scarring on my lungs the CT scan is clean. He used the words "Complete remission".

Complete remission is no guarantee it won't come back, it just means that at this point in time I have no detectable disease. I'll take that with both hands!

Time to celebrate !!!! Long may it last!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No results today.. Whooping cough at large?

Well it's been a stressful wait for today and the results of CT scan. Especially in light of the cough and asthma type symptoms I've been having. However Doctor D'Souza did not have the written report from the radiologist. He said he had looked at the scan himself and could see no areas of concern but he wanted to be sure before giving me the all clear. He said there were a few lymph nodes in my mediastinum that were probably normal but again he wasn't 100% sure.

The end result is another few days in limbo until he can discuss the scan and get back to me on Monday afternoon.

In my hunt for other possible causes of a persistent cough I've come up with an interesting theory...
In that there appears to be a relatively unreported outbreak of whooping cough (Pertussis) out there at the moment. So many people have commented to me that they have a cough that won't go away and has been with them for up to six weeks. I did some hunting on the internet and found a few local cases where people have insisted on being tested and they have come back positive for whooping cough.

With all the fuss about swine flu this seems to have gone unnoticed and unreported by our media.
Local health authorities have noticed a dramatic increase in whooping cough cases amongst children but as the distinctive "whooping" cough is absent in adults I believe it is not being correctly diagnosed. I'm not saying I have Pertussis, known as the "100 day cough" in adults but it's certainly out there in the community and in very large numbers.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cough and Asthma

I've now had this Asthmatic cough for about a month, it is brought on by changes in air temperature. If I am exposed to warm air I start to cough a little and I get very wheezy.
There are a lot of people I know who are complaining of similar symptoms and even my 1 y/o niece Alex has developed a cough that sounds similar.

However I'm still totally paranoid as it reminds me of the cough that developed after I returned from Germany and that turned out to be Hodgkin's. I don't have the dry annoying cough though that is more typical, and I have no other symptoms like night sweats, high temperature or itchy skin. So I live in hope that it's just a chest infection/asthma that is being exacerbated by the radiation and chemo damage to my lungs. Either way I shall know for sure on Wednesday when I see Dr D'Souza for my CT scan results.

Things have changed in my business, Kurt who had been with me for around four years, left on Friday to work on building up his own business doing earthworks while working part time as a gib-fixer. So there is only me now working in my business, which isn't completely a bad thing as the workload has dropped quite a bit with the shrinking economy anyway.

The new house plans are coming along slowly. I'm dealing with the council at the moment, going through the consents process. That in itself is worthy of a blog. You can't imagine how ridiculous some of the information requests from them have been.

I'll post an update on Wednesday after I've seen the doctor for my scan results.. fingers crossed it's not a relapse.