Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tired of being sick! Deja-vue

It's been a hell week healthwise, My fever which used to be controlled by taking just one Ibuprofen now barely reacts to two and is peaking a lot higher. I went and saw my GP about it during the week. My thinking was that I may have developed another cause for a fever such as an infection etc, and that maybe we should do some blood cultures just to be safe. He said "it's probably a virus" and left it at that. Bugger. However he did schedule a blood test for two weeks time to check for other possible causes of the underlying constant fever. Personally I'd say Lymphoma would be a safe bet!

Speaking of lymphoma..I've got a new lump ... well actually more of a swollen gland under the right side of my chin. It's the same lymph node that started it all off five years ago. I know this because it was cut in half when it was biopsied and the swollen "gland" is now inflated to an interesting half moon shape as a result.

I don't think I can stay off the steroids for too much longer without a significant reduction in my health. I'm soaking my bed covers at night with this fever and during the day I have no appetite and am constantly chilled to the bone. I think by next weekend I'll start back on the prednisone.
Once Targa is completed I'll stay on them until I see the haematologist on Nov 17th. Hopefully at that point we can start planning some more treatment. There goes my hair again!

Targa preparations are ramping up again after a lull while the engine was rebuilt, an exercise that cost a lot of money even with all the generous support of my sponsors. It may be time to have a clean out of my garage and sell some stuff I think!