Monday, October 12, 2009

Not long now!

Targa is now just thirteen short days away!

There are about forty small jobs to be done on the car, and most must be done before this coming weekend when we go testing at Manfeild racetrack.
Oddly enough the most time consuming task seems to be that of removing the old decals from the car. It's a painstaking job that looks like it will eat up around 6 hours all by itself. (To give you some idea, that's longer than it took to take the engine out and put it back in again!)

We have now got our major sponsor on-board "Fujitsu Heat Pumps". A huge thank you to Kim Naylor for supporting our cause and helping ensure this campaigns success.

Healthwise: Hmmm not too good on the stamina/energy levels unfortunately. I'm a mile away from how I was feeling last month. At that time, while on Prednisone my energy levels were excellent and I could run for long periods on the treadmill without any discomfort.
The low blood counts I'm currently suffering have robbed me of all my energy, there's just not enough oxygen getting to my muscles.

I'm really hoping that now I'm back on the steroids that things will improve over the next two weeks in time for the intense physical demands behind the wheel during Targa.