Sunday, January 13, 2013

Stronger by the day

It's been a roller-coaster of a ride these last two-three weeks.
When I returned home from hospital on New Years Eve I was weak and very fatigued. Wiped out would have been an understatement!

The initial strong response from the increased prednisone seemed to have faded away and everything was becoming a struggle. My breathing was bad, and my energy levels so low that once again Sarah was having to do everything for me. Showering me, helping me dress and move around the house.
Things didn't look good at all. Even brushing my teeth had to be done sitting down or in bed and the act of brushing them left we puffed.

My weight has improved slightly, at least I'm no longer loosing it.
However my state of mind and body left me in no doubt that I was pretty close to loosing the fight.
Then early last week I decided to put up a "last stand" I started doing little exercises and pushing my limits where ever I could. (despite being advised by hospice staff not to waste energy) I walked very slowly on the treadmill each day. Extending the period from one minute, to five, then to ten minutes over just five days.

The improvement has been huge. I now find that I don't get as dizzy when I stand up anymore.
I'm more sure-footed and can move around the house a lot more comfortably.
To say I'm very pleased with this result doesn't do it justice. My goal is to be well enough to get myself into hospital for transfusions etc by the end of this month. ..and not need my wheelchair.

Last Thursday I even had enough energy to drop in on the guys at STM and show one of their mechanics how to use my old wheel alignment machine. I scooted around the workshop in my wheelchair and felt really good!

One new factor that may be influencing my current health improvement is that I'm taking Morphine for pain in my ribs and chest from torn muscles due to coughing. The Morphine not only reduces the debilitating pain, but it's also a cough suppressant.
So I'm coughing less, breathing deeper and not constantly depressed by the agony of torn muscles.
When you have chest pain like that you tend to shallow breath and this results in a higher risk of developing pneumonia. So it's all a bit of a win-win situation. I sleep heaps better too!

OK will update as things develop. It's great to post some good news for once!  :-)


PS: Today's goal is to climb a flight of stairs. Then ten minutes on the treadmill at 2kph