Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adcetris Day-1, Cycle 1

I woke Tuesday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a train. I don't think it had anything to do with the chemo, more likely that I'd not taken any paracetamol during the night and I was running a low grade fever. Something I do every day, both morning and night. I take one paracetamol and one Ibuprofen and it's usually fixed for the next eight hours, or if I take it early enough the fever never eventuates at all.

Yesterday I missed the bus completely and it was midday before I could get off the couch, everything hurt and my body felt like a bucket of rusty nuts and bolts.

However by mid afternoon I had broken the fever and all pain had disappeared except for a niggling back injury from a moment of stupidity a few weeks back when I tried to undo a bolt on a wheel that was too tight and ended up putting my back out.

So ultimately nothing that I could directly put down to the chemo, just another day. Zero side effects so far. I've noticed a reduction in my cough. That could be an ongoing thing due to the prednisone reduction though, so I can't attribute that to the Adcetris.

Situation Normal for the first 24 hours.

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