Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Adcetris Day-2, Cycle 1

I couldn't get to sleep last night. My lower back was aching like mad. It's one of those weird back pains that gives you the impression that if you could just twist yourself the right way, something would pop back in and all would be good.

However it soon became apparent that no amount of twisting and turning was going help and by about 2am this morning I was in absolute agony. Two codeine tablets and some paracetamol eventually got me to sleep. I woke this morning feeling OK so I took another couple of pain killers just in case and got on the phone to my osteopath.

By 10am I was on her table have the muscles in my lower back gently manipulated. So far so good.
She was able to show me just how little movement I had in my pelvis on the left side, so I've obviously done something nasty to myself in that region.

Still no side effects from the Adcetris, today feels much like any other day.
Perhaps tomorrow I'll grow that third arm.  ;)


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