Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bouncing back!

Phew! What a cool feeling it is to just feel like I'm seven days post poisoning with cytotoxic chemicals!. Rather than the nauseating, gut churning, green gilled, delirium filled world of a couple of days ago!
Today I just feel off-colour, which is exactly the way I should be feeling at this point in time.
I have no energy and if I stand up too quickly I almost faint, but that too is expected. At least my brain has come back to life.

To give you some idea of how it screws with your mind, Saturday and Sunday I was unable to hold any sort of thought in my head without it becoming surreal and melting away into some sort of nonsensical garbage. A bit like your thought patterns just as you nod off to sleep when really tired. And as for sleeping, which I did almost continuously, you don't dream as such, you just get some sort of abstract bizarre theme in your head and it goes round and round continuously like a record stuck in a groove.
By Monday night the needle would actually skip out of the track and I was able to have surreal nonsensical "bad dreams" Oh yay!.
Last night was the first night whereby I actually got a great night's sleep and woke with mental clarity.

I jumped out of bed, (yes, too quickly), and had to sit down again before I fell down, but then paced myself and had a shower before getting fully dressed. I've always said that hospitals are for sick people and certainly the last three times I've been here I always spent my days fully dressed. This time I have been bed ridden and today is the first time I been out of my "sick person" attire of shorts and a tee-shirt.

I got dressed just in time too, as the Doctors popped in the door about two seconds after I pulled my jeans on. Good news.. They have isolated the exact type of bug and can now stop the broad spectrum IV antibiotics and replace it with a tablet that is known to also be effective on that type of bug. They expect that I can go home tomorrow but not before getting another platelet transfusion before I go. (I wonder who all these kind people are whose blood it is that I'm soaking up?) .. oh and another aside.. cost to the taxpayer for me getting sick this week? approx $10K including the cost of the transfusions.. Tax $$$ well spent I say! :)

It will be nice to get outside and remember what it is to be human rather than a green-gilled glob of yukky-ness.
I think the tea-lady caught the "Up & Go" thief too! She's way too nice to tell me herself but as it all happened outside my door I kind of had an audible ringside seat to the nabbing.
Yesterday afternoon at around 3:30 (IE: just after school) I heard her growl at a young visitor who was here to see their parent. I think she had laid in wait on her suspected culprit and when they made a bee-line straight to the 'patient only' fridge she pounced.
I could hear things like "poor Mr Scanlan this..." and "Name on packaging that.." following by much plea-ing of ignorance. Case solved.

OK, The string is a lot longer today but it still has an end.. Time to relax with some daytime television... Aaaaarrrrgggghhh!!!!! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Ron, as it happens I gave blood today.............yes it is true I am acutally a kind person....deep down, my blood type is A+, whats yours, you never know we may be related by blood after all.
I am so relieved that you are feeling so much better.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to have my tax dollars spent on ya Ron! So glad that you are feeling better. Cheers, Toni

Ron Scanlan said...

Thanks guys!
Karen I'm O+ meaning that some other person has a part of you coursing through their veins. You're a lifesaver!