Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back at home again.

They finally let me out yesterday lunchtime! and many thanks to my brother Mark for coming to my rescue and getting me out of there!
I had a quiet afternoon taking stock of myself and getting used to being home again.

After a great night's sleep I awoke feeling completely well, not a sign of feeling ill or off colour. My only symptom seems to be the fatigue. I can only walk short distances and have to avoid stairs. Any thing other than a short walk leaves me exhausted and needing to sit down. This isn't too bad as from past experience I know it passes in time. The major plus is the total absence of nausea.

My platelet levels must have dropped pretty low at some stage last week. My legs have thousands of small purple marks all over them (petechia) where the blood has leaked into surrounding tissue due to the higher blood pressure in my lower legs. This has only occurred on me once before in 2005 when I had a count of under 5, nearing fatal level. Hopefully It's now a bit higher than that as I had another unit of platelets on Thursday.

Today, as I will do everyday, I have been into ward one and had my blood taken. If there are any problems they will call me back in for a transfusion.
Today is also day ten post stem cell transplant. On a typical patient blood counts should start to recover from here on out. However I'm not typical in that my stem cell harvest was smaller than normal so it may take a bit longer. Would be nice if it didn't.

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