Thursday, August 21, 2008

How do I feel ? Not bad!

It's 9:30am Thursday. I thought I'd give you all a quick update on how I feel physically.

I still don't know my marrow results yet, and I had some bloods taken earlier so will post those details later. However I think yesterdays fatigue was mainly the huge amount of saline that was pumped into me. I passed about 2liters of it last night.

Three hours pass...
Well while writing the above paragraph I got the call from Dr Glonti to meet him at the Thermotherapy room for another hot date. Today he has chosen to wear a nice beige tee-shirt and smart white trousers for our hot, wet and sweaty rendezvous. A pleasant change from the jeans and white tee he usually wears.

I think although it's only been less than a week, we have already fallen into a routine.
He runs me a nice hot scented bath, I get undressed and stand around naked until he's ready for me. I then soak for twenty minutes or so before he beckons me over to the bed where he attach's his lines and ultimately inserts that probe of his. I then sweat it out for an hour and a half at 39C while he looks on. You'd think after all that I'd at least get a hug when he was done. Sigh.
Footnote: Now I swear I'm not making this up.. Dr G puts on some music, older stuff from a compilation CD. One of the first tracks up.. "Burning Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash!

Dr Kopic stopped by and said there was still no news on the bone marrow tests. He did say that the blood test results from Greece were here but that he wanted to give them to me together. I keep hoping for this afternoon, but like the other afternoons this week, I doubt I'll hear anything.
On a positive note I'm feeling pretty good! The steroids will have played a big part in it but I realised that all my "B" symptoms have gone. The night sweats, the pulsing back ache. That horrible dry cough I've had for the last 4 months too.. gone, gone, gone. YAY!!
I just have a minor ache in my lower back where the bone marrow was taken from. That's normal.

My blood counts have started to drop. Platelets are already down from 125 to 85. I'm not too concerned about that, but my whites and leukocytes are dropping and they are concerned about me going outside and catching something. I'll start GCSF and Neumega growth factor injections tomorrow to help raise those levels.
Also tomorrow I shall have the first of my antibody treatments. Not sure how that will affect me. Could feel like I have the flu.. could be fine.

Otherwise another boring day with nothing really of interest to report.. Tomorrow maybe..

Pics of my room below...


Anonymous said...

Hey I agree about the "no hug" thing or at least he could simply spoon you...He sounds like quite a romantic!! music and all.... I should pay you to read your rendezvous, It's making me feel tingly actually haha ;> .... you should write for Mills and Boon
take care - Michal

Anonymous said...

A lovely cosy little room, and you keep it nice and tidy!!! I love the mouse, where can I get one, let me guess.......Trademe.