Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 7: Update

Well it's 8pm and The chemo continues. I'm just on saline right now, which is a pleasant change from the day's cocktail. However at around 10:30pm I'm back on the hard stuff for a few more hours.

I managed to get a few hours sleep this afternoon but as allways with afternoon naps I awoke feeling pretty crappy. As I sit here I can feel the nausea rising so I shall cut short the post and call it a night.

I'm doing OK really, just need to minimise my discomfort by laying down.

Night all, will update again in the morning.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you don't want a weather update but I'm giving you one anyway. It's been quite nice today for a change and I have to go out in 10 minutes and it's just started pissing down. However your experiences make everything else pale in comparison, so whats a bit of water going to do eh!!! Well now a very bright and close flash of lightening and clap of thunder and hail....bugger!!! I advise that you not return to New Zealand until September when hopefully it will have stopped raining. I hope you have a better day today and can get out for a walk. Lots of Love, Karen

Ron Scanlan said...

I love bad weather! I actually have "weather envy" now! :( Sunny days are great but you need some really bad weather so you can appreciate them more. Besides lightening is soo awsome! :)