Friday, August 22, 2008

Confused news on the bloods..

Dr K has the blood results back from Greece. He has given me a copy to read, it's pure chemistry and not at all easy to digest.

I jumped to the "conclusions" paragraph on the last page and read those. This only leaves me more confused as it suggests a totally different drug regimen. It does give a list of drugs that can be used to overcome my cancer's resistance to chemo, but whether they can be added to what we are doing now I have no idea.

The report suggests BEACOPP as the best treatment, but this is administered over months. Not an option for me to have here due to cost. Perhaps I can look at getting it done closer to home and only if the current treatment ends in relapse.

I'll update all this tomorrow once I have spoken at length with the doctors. Just wanted to vent before for head exploded! ..and still no bone marrow report!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron,
Your blog is an interesting read indeed with many stories very close to home.
My elder son Dene contracted Hodgkins at 14 and was well advanced after months of misdiagnosis by those whose advice we trusted. We too became pseudo oncologists overnight.
His treatment went very well and 6 years later he's fighting fit.

This is a smart and incredibly brave thing you're doing and I sincerely hope it goes very well for you.

Obviously I know something of the stress & concern that your family and friends will be going through and my thoughts are with them also.

Keep the chin up. I'm sure your fighting spirit will get you through.

Bruce Sollitt

Anonymous said...

I'd like to respond to Bruce with a big thanks for the encouragement and his thoughts even for us who are close to Ron.