Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Adcetris Days 14 & 15, Cycle 1

Yesterday was a hard day, I physically couldn't get out of bed until late morning my body hurt so much.
The longer I stayed in bed the longer it was that I went without my steroids and pain relief.
It wasn't a good start to the day and I lost the whole morning and them some. It was around 1pm before I did anything meaningful work-wise.

In contrast today I woke at 7am and dragged myself out of bed, forcing myself to take my medication, some pain relief and something to eat. I did return to bed and slept till 9:30 but when I did wake I felt good enough to face the day.

I emailed both my oncologist and haematologist yesterday, updating them with where I was at. Pretty much a word for word copy of what I blogged on day 13. I asked if they thought I should reduce my prednisone in light of the resolution of my lung and breathing problems. I was also worried about the PML virus and want my immune system working as best it can.
Richard Isaacs replied and suggested I drop my pred to 15mg. This was exactly what I wanted and expected. (Which is good because I'd already started the drop the day before)

My back injury and pain is slowly healing. The pain in the lower back has resolved enough now that I can tell that I have two sites of injury. It would appear I've torn or pulled a muscle in my lower left flank at the back. This is quite uncomfortable and oddly stops me from sleeping on my right side as the muscle spasms if I try to. I'm also trying to ween off sleeping pills. I no longer need them now that I don't itch. However the prednisone still keeps me awake sometimes until the wee small hours. I'll get there eventually.

Other than that it's status quo.

Lots happening in the workshop. I've finally completely finished the Galant VR4 that's been there for over a year. That departs later this week. Today I start digging out my AE86 race car from the corner it's buried in ready for a truck to pick it up later in the week and deliver it to the painters.

It was painted eleven years ago by the same people, Rolrich Panel & Spray, and hasn't seen a day outside since. However the paint needs some minor touching up and the new fibreglass parts need to be colour matched and painted to suit.

This Sunday see's me entered in the annual Alexandra road hillclimb on Mount Victoria driving the Evo. It's a round of the national hillclimb series this year so competition will be stiff and I'm still very rusty. I don't mind admitting that I have some trepidation about this one. It's a fast, scary ride to the top of the hill and I'm not getting any younger. Although I hold the record for the fastest car to the top of the hill, I set it a few years back when I either a lot braver or stupid.. one of the two!

Till tomorrow.   ..Ron

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