Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Adcetris Day-9, Cycle 1

I spoke too soon!
Last night I developed a stomach ache that invaded my night's sleep and got me up a couple of times with diarrhea. When I woke this morning I was back to feeling like that truck had not only hit me but had backed up and had a second crack at me. Everything hurt and I felt very ill. I spent nearly all morning curled up on the day bed in my office. Not good.

By midday I felt slightly better and dragged my sorry butt into the workshop to finish the Honda S2000 suspension job. Luckily I've had the help of young upcoming racer, Danny Picard to help me. Total Performance and Flextech have sponsored him this year and he offered to help me out with the more physical work this week in return. I don't think my back would handle even lifting a wheel off a car at the moment.

I popped in and got a blood test today too. If I'm neutropenic that might explain the stomach ache, and would be a bad thing. Although I'm not running a fever. I'll phone the Blood & Cancer Centre tomorrow and check the results. If there's anything bad I can then get it sorted.. blood transfusion or growth stimulating factors.. whatever. Hopefully it's just the chemo having killed off all the good bacteria in my stomach and it's complaining.

Following yesterday's post I received an email from my niece Natasha. She informed me that whenever she took tramadol she itched like mad. So that explained the sudden return of the itch the previous night. Now that it's out of my system I'm not itchy and today I have only coughed once.
So I'm very happy with the results of the chemo so far.
Thanks Tash, I think I'll stay off the tramadol.


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