Thursday, March 8, 2012

Adcetris Day-10, Cycle 1

Another day whereby it's almost impossible to drag myself out of bed.
Mornings are just a total write-off. It's 2pm now and I'm feeling barely human. My back aches, my stomach aches and I feel dull, as does my head which is containing a mild headache. I've also had to run to the toilet three times in the last four hours. Other than that I'm in great shape! :)

My blood counts are the best I've seen them in quite some time, almost normal except the platelets at 89, but that's the highest count I've had in three years! Hemoglobin is 110, still a little anemic but it's all my own blood, I made it myself without the aid of a transfusion :)

I've not coughed at all today, and my itch is probably more habit than anything. It's probably 10% of what it was at it's worse. I no longer feel like a mad-man in a straight jacket full of fleas.

I'm not doing any work today, other than Internet sales that must go out. I may not work tomorrow either.
I think my body needs to recover. Some couch time will do me good.

Tomorrow I shall see the Osteo again and get my back manipulated. I also need to book in with my GP and get the "thing" on my elbow dealt to. My GP wants to cut the scar tissue away and re-stitch it. This time he will use normal non-dissolving stitches and we shall leave it alone until it appears completely healed. Last time when it was biopsied in hospital they used dissolving stitches and they didn't hold up. This caused the wound to "heal" in an open state and the skin never knitted, just built up scar tissue.

Sorry for yuk pic, but it's best that I document these things.
I've had it for over a year now. It just appeared as a small hole. I thought it was a pimple at the time. In hindsight it was probably related to the Nocardia infection. Combine that with high dose steroids, a suppressed immune system and it's no wonder it wouldn't heal properly.

I think cutting most of the tissue out and then leaving the stitches in for as long as possible should do the trick. Now's the time to do it, with a good immune system and high platelet count.  Let's see what it's like in a few weeks time.

..Till tomorrow

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