Thursday, February 2, 2012

I can see!

I picked up my new glasses today and was amazed on the drive home when I stopped at a traffic light that I could read the magazine covers at a stand on the footpath! Can't wait to see what my vision will be like once I get cataract surgery at the end of chemo!

I also got a call from Travis at the Blood & Cancer Center, saying that he had been advised by the drug company that make Brentuximab that I was required to be on 20mg or less of Prednisone and could I drop down from 25 to 20 as of tomorrow. (I'd actually pointed this out to both my Oncologist and Haematologist that it was a requirement of the clinical trials to be on no more than 20mg.. but no one listens )  ;)

Weening of prednisone is one of my biggest goals in life, second only to beating this cancer.
Just hope my lung inflammation doesn't flare up and cause all sorts of issues with my Brentuximab treatment. Fingers crossed!


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