Sunday, February 12, 2012

Treatment delayed. Grrrr!!!!

You just would not believe it! I was scheduled to start Brentuximab tomorrow afternoon Monday 13th Feb.
As fate would have it I received a phone call from Dr Isaacs on Friday to say that we would have to hold off treatment as the drug may have been compromised in transit.

Apparently somewhere along the line the consignment worth $66,000 has not been kept in a temperature controlled environment. It is recommended that it be stored at between 2-8C. This was not followed and now the pharmacy is desperately trying to find out from the manufacturer if the drug would have been damaged as a result.

Personally I don't want to find out that it's lost it's efficacy by way of failing to respond to treatment!
I've passed my concerns on to those that need to know and personally I think it should be binned and a new order placed immediately. Whether that happens or not depends on what the drug company has to say.
I'm sure they will want to sell another 4 cycles, so I'm expecting them to say throw it out too.

This in no way affects Sarah and I financially as it is the hospital that made the purchase and they would then invoice us once dispensed. At this point in time it looks like the shipping company and the hospital will have to fight it out and ultimately someones insurance will be footing the bill. Certainly not us.

Meantime I'm doing OK. I'm super itchy and my asthma is worse, both as a result of the lower prednisone dose I'd say.

I'll update once I know more.   ..Ron

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