Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hair Today, Gone tomorrow!

I've been having an on-going battle of wits with the nurses over being connected 24/7 to this darn IV. I only get the antibiotics every six hours but they want to trickle in 30ml of saline each hour to keep the line from blocking.
My argument is that it won't block and that it is a huge restriction on my movement and comfort just on an assumption that the line might block and need clearing. (something that even I could do)

Anyway one nurse promised to unhook me after lunch so I could shower, clean up and get into some clean clothes. Sarah waited with me as she wanted to help me shower without getting water on all the lines etc. Eventually she had to give up and leave as she had things she also needed to do. I decided to press the red "nurse call" button and get some attention. Luckily the nurse that came was happy to unhook my line. I jumped into the shower and with some difficulty managed to wash myself without getting the lines wet. However my hair ended up everywhere and the more I washed, the more I started to feel like Chewbacca.. hair everywhere. I'd say that by the weekend I'll have shaved my head to reduce the moult, if it hasn't already all fallen out.

I forgot to mention yesterday that after surgery my bed was wheeled out of the theater minus it's headboard. It had been removed to gain better access to my neck.
It took all last night and half of today for someone to find a replacement. No one on the surgery ward would own up to having it apparently. I joked to Sarah that I should just walk over there and find it myself!. Happiness in this place is having a headboard to lean against. You can't imagine how hard it is to sit up in bed without one.

My counts are still low, too low to start a stem cell harvest. The doctors are concerned that my temperature is still consistantly over 37 so have held me for yet another day. By tomorrow they will have hopefully worked out that 37+ is normal for me and let me sleep in my own bed.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron, it sucks that you have to loose all your hair again. Are you still taking that Goji berry juice to boost the blood counts?

Ron Scanlan said...

Yeah it is a pain about loosing all my hair again :( I've not gotten back into the goji.. I keep forgetting.. and now Im stuck in this hospital bed..