Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another day in this tiny room..

Aaargh!! This is surreal! I just opened the text editor to start a new post. I have the TV on in the background (I forgot to mention my little room comes with a telly) and it's tuned to some sort of international news channel so I don't have to suffer daytime tv. Suddenly the language has changed to German and I'm feeling a strong sense of deja-vu and all the thoughts and feelings from my time in Germany are washing over me.. I'll get up and turn it off.. It's just too weird!.

Last night I ran a high fever and felt a bit unwell. I have a swollen lymph gland under my chin that is tender to the touch. My temperature is normal this morning. There's a definite pattern occurring. What it means though I have no idea. (neither do the doctors)
I had blood taken late last night so that blood cultures could be grown. I specifically asked them yesterday if they had done that on Monday when I was admitted and they said yes.. I think they lied.

I was visited by one of the haematologists this morning and he was very negative about the prospects of getting a successful harvest from me. I told him that day 14 was the day that things start to happen and that we will fine. I don't respect the guy in anyway. It was he that left me to possibly die with a zero platelet count while he went on holiday over Christmas 2006. I had a platelet count of 8 earlier this week and yet I had no episodes of bleeding. Back in 2006 I had blood coming out of the corner of my eyes and a rash on my legs caused by blood coming through the skin. A bang to the head would have been all it took.

They haven't told me my blood count for today yet, I'm expecting a slight increase and then for it to double tomorrow. I guess we shall see.
I've also asked them to take a good look at my throat. Here they are pumping me full of antibiotics because they think maybe my mouth ulcers might be infected and have gotten into my blood, but as I pointed out to the doctors they haven't actually taken a look in mouth! Apparently they will take a look later in the morning.
I know Im being critical again, but I don't think what I'm suggesting is anything more than common sense.

I'll update soon.

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