Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Room with a view

I'm still here, they don't want me to go. My temperature seems to run in the mid 37's most of the time and that bothers them. Oddly in the many months that I have been taking my own temperature I've only seen one or two readings that were below that.
Could just be symptom of Hodgkin's.

I have my own room! It's great! It's small and comfortable with a view of the car park and Mount Vic beyond. Yesterday I was really grumpy and negative all day. Sarah was constantly apologising for me, telling the Doctors that I'm usually really positive.
I think a combination of blood transfusions and fevers added to my apprehension over having another line put in my neck went a long way to explaining my mood.

The operation went well, they gave me a sedative that was really weird. At the time I thought that I was lucid all the way through the operation but then over the next few hours I forgot everything. Apparently that is the nature of the drug, it's both a sedative and an amnesiac. Clever of them.. you can't complain, if you can't remember! LOL.

The theatre team was three people this time and it was done in a full size operating theatre. So obviously they have raised their game somewhat since 2006. I asked the anesthetist how many of these he had done and he replied "Hundreds, I train the other staff". Exactly what I wanted to hear.

So now I look like a cyborg, I have red and blue tubes protruding from my neck which make movement a little awkward and my neck is stiff.
We are waiting on my white counts to start rising. Yesterday they were .1, they need to be over 1 and climbing before we can start harvesting. Today is day 13 of my chemo cycle so if my counts follow my previous treatments, they should start to climb rapidly over the next few days.

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