Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday and still waiting..

I had a good night, my temperature has remained at a low 36.5 continuously now for over 24 hours. No night sweat either! The swollen lymph gland is also now completely normal. It would appear the antibiotics have done their job.

My white blood count doubled to 0.41 overnight but is still just under half what we need before harvesting of stem cells can begin. Doctor D'Souza dropped in early this morning to take a look at me and talk about where we stood. Firstly he again repeated he was surprised at how well I appeared (I got up early and made sure I was dressed and out of bed).
He felt that we were well on target to harvest tomorrow or Monday and that the counts were as he expected. What a positive attitude he has compared to his colleague on Thursday. I told him I was certain I'd would be fine and he suggested that the slightly slow WBC recovery may be because of having to fight the infection with such low numbers. Kinda like your bodies own Kamikaze pilots I guess.

I must say I'd rather be outside! It looks fantastic out there.. clear skys and sunny. By the time I leave it will have been a week since I was admitted. At least I can't blame anything I did for the infection, we all agree that the infected lymph node under my chin pretty much points to my mouth ulcers being the likely culprit and spreading from there.

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