Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Spanky Spangler: Stuntman Extraordinaire!!

Just when I had completely given up on German television and believed it to be a veritable desert of mind numbingly boring shows from the 80's, my faith in the value of trash TV has been restored!.

It was during a quick search of this video wasteland last night, that I found a little gem of a show. I was first caused to stop flicking rapidly through the channels by the sight of a rather interesting young lady sitting on a box, in a studio, wearing what looked like a miniature silk Kimono and not much else. A slow refocus revealed the set was decorated with various pictures of burning cars, crashed quads and the like. Aaaah ..'obviously a show aimed at the brain dead male audience' I thought to myself. Since I now fall into that category, and I didn't want to disappoint the bean counters, I decided to join their target market. (Of course purely for research purposes..)

If any of you have seen that Iconic Kiwi stunt movie "The Devil Dared Me To" in which stuntman Randy Campbell's stunts always go wrong. You'll have loved this show!
Difference was this was no movie, it was masquerading as a doco. However I chose to view it as a comedy, as the running gag was much the same, with all the stunts going horribly wrong!

First up was Spanky Spangler, that All American Pro Stuntman. We watched as he attemped to destroy a car by blowing it up while jumping it through the air. Unfortunately lacking the necessary skills to actually drive straight, he hit he ramp at an angle that even a half blind, sherry-soaked, octagenarian grandmother could not have achieved. One of the front wheels dropped off the launch ramp and sent him spiralling away in the wrong direction... Not towards his chosen soft landing in a sea of parked cars. But upside-down into a not-so-soft, empty concrete car-park, Landing on his roof and no doubt his head, no harm done there I'm guessing.

No serious "When Stunts Go Wrong" show worth it's salt would be complete without a Knievel in it's line-up, and I wasn't to be disappointed.. "Robbie "Kaptain" Knievel" was shown being tossed around like a rag doll when the front wheel on his motorcycle was torn off as he landed at the end of a monster two-wheeled, and soon to be one-wheeled, jumping effort.

Now this is what true trash television is all about!. I was glued for well over an hour. I particularly like the footage of the guy who decided it was a good idea to ski 4000ft down a near vertical mountain on his head, he managed to pull if quite convincingly too! Still can't figure out why he was wearing the skis on his feet though.?

The whole thing was dubbed into German of course, but if I mentally blocked it out, I could just hear in the background the anguished screams and four letter expletives during each and every bone crushing smash. Amazing stuff! and to think these guys do it just so people like me stuck in hospital can have something to keep them amused! (I wonder what stuntmen watch when they are in hospital?)

I'm going to tune in tonight and see what else is on offer! I'm hoping for something like.. "When Animals Attack: Tourists on the Menu", Or something equally as entertaining.

..Goodnight! Drive safely now!


Anonymous said...

maybe a cannula in the ankle will give your arms a break we do this a lot at work when the veins are stuffed in the arms. You need a couple of good books to read didn't you bring anything with you, you sound desperate for entertainment,
or you could start writing a story on how you came to be in this place and time as a short piece for a magazine as a human interest story you never know you could make a little money along the way.Love ya Denise

Ron Scanlan said...

Thanks denise. I'm probably too active for one in the ankle.I'll just have to suffer a little longer with the arms.. I don't think I'd have the patience to write anything formally.. This blog will stand for now. Hopefully in a few weeks it will all be over and other people can take what information there is and use it to help themselves or get an understanding of what to expect from during their treatment..