Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 6: Chemo two

Sorry for the boring post titles.. It's all part of my attempt to better document things. You never know, perhaps one day it may be of help to someone going through the same treatment. (If you happen to be that person, I wish you all the best!)

What's your math like? Here's a spot quiz..
Q:If a man weighs himself at 74.5Kg before going to bed and when he awakes in the morning his weight has dropped to 69Kg. How much sleep did he get?
A: Not very much!!

They say what goes in, must come out, and after taking on around 10 litres of IV fluids in the past 36 hours, my kidneys feel like they have been washed, scrubbed and hung out to dry!.

Natalie just took some blood for testing, she should be back shortly with a copy of the print-out.
At this point last cycle my platelets were at 85. Down from 135, six days earlier. That was a 37% drop. So will be interesting to compare.

I feel a lot better today, so far anyway. Not having an extra 5 1/2 litres of fluid washing around in your blood stream and body probably accounts for most of that I'd say.
Thanks for all the feedback you've all been posting. I'd like to reply to each one as they get posted but as the feedback listings aren't always obvious, I figure most would miss their reply anyway.
However I would like to point out to 'Shrek' that I've spent years working on my 'Chicken Legs' and they they have been honed into finely tuned apparatus, designed for out-running large green Ogres!.
As for the burglars. well I'd like to install cameras everywhere... but then you get into that siege mentality.. I think a few well placed flood lights might help.

OK.. Blood counts are in! .. How does 111 sound! Pretty good huh! That's only a 2.5% drop.
So far so good. Lets see what Sunday's count brings as that will be the real test.
I should point out that WBC is down at 3.8, but GCSF can fix that if it gets too much lower. Platelet count is the best indication of bone marrow survival. It's the canary in the coalmine. So far the bird's still singing.

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