Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 7: Chemo Two. Bugger!

It's a bit of a weird day today, I had planned to get outside for a while and get some exercise.
However my digestive system has made other plans for me. The steroids really knock it around, and like last time it has completely stopped functioning. I can't even eat any more food, my stomach feels like It's carrying a brick around. Anyway.. TMI.. but I can't get out for a walk because it would be just my luck that one of the many medications I've taken decides to kick in at the least convenient moment.

I had really high hopes of getting through this cycle with no platelet support. My count this morning was still a healthy (for me) 97, and as of this evening they are 78. However my white cells are plummeting. Dropping by the hour.. they were 2.3 this morning and are now 1.7. (normal is around 6+)
I suggested to the Doctors that we start GCSF support for the white counts this morning, but they wanted to hold off. I said I was not keen on Neumega just yet. Dr Glonti has prescribed both tonight. I can see why.. he doesn't want to miss the window if the platelets go too low.
There goes any chance of direct comparison on the Goji effect. However the numbers still show my counts are well up on last time. Ultimately it's more important to get through this as safely as possible. I just like a challenge ;)

I'm hoping that this will be the last day I spend stuck in this room.. Unless they put me into isolation tomorrow... hope not. Need to get out and exercise both the body and mind.

Till then... Ron


Anonymous said...

Hi babe
I am just glad that they're on to it early because the lower the counts drop, the longer you will be there for. I want to see you home ASAP.
See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Keep smiling and drink the juice anyway it all helps and we would rather have you locked up for a few days than have you at risk of infections.
Love ya Denise