Monday, September 22, 2008

Sex, Spam and the hunt for intelligent Life.

I'm constantly amused by the never ending stream of junk I get sent via email. I have a really good server based spam filter that removes around 500 unwanted emails a month. Long before they ever reach my inbox. All those offers for free sex sites, Viagra and erectile dysfunction that I've never read. Perhaps I should..

This morning I got an invitation from Smilecity to take part in a survey on premature ejaculation. They claimed the survey would take three minutes to complete. I did it in two!

Perhaps it's just me, perhaps it's the endless stream of long, lonely nights in my room.. but it's occurred to me that the Germans have a twisted view on sex. (Persoanlly I believe any country that has tight fitting leather trousers as a traditional national costume has got to be a bit suspect!)

Take the other night for instance. I was channel hopping, looking for a decent diversion, when I came across another of 'those' documentaries. This one was called "All about Sex" it was German in origin, but the title was English as were all the excited exclamations and sexual descriptions. Perhaps they have realised that the German language is to romance, as a Pitbull is to a child's stuffed toy. (What am I talking about !! This program was to sex, as Postman Pat is to world-wide transport logistics!)

Speaking of stuffed toys.. The presenters and participants all sat on giant polystyrene spermatozoa that floated about the studio on invisible wires. It looked like a Karma Sutra merry-go-round! I'm guessing it wasn't coin operated.
Participants were then given an anatomically correct plastic torso and asked to locate various sexual organs. Most failed.
I particularly liked the detailed 'stick-man' animations of various sexual positions. These I could relate to now that I weigh about as much two pencils anyway. I switched channels and continued searching.. past the thirty odd offerings for "0900-sex" lines, past the casino hotlines, finally giving up, deciding to read my spam folder, hunting for signs of intelligent life and maybe a cure for two minute surveys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron,just learn you are in germany.Selfish of me! Only when I needed something from your service I turn to your website-Iam glad I did!About tv-i have a different problem- Nick passed out on couch with sky remote control still firmly grasped in his hands....
Anyway, we all wish you well and hope to see you soon back in NZ!