Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 8: Chemo two. Heck I don't know!

How on earth can someone go from a White cell count of 1.7 (which is very low) and back up to 6.8 (which is completely normal) in the space of twelve hours? The doctors said that the GCSF they use is very fast acting, but hey.. come on .. it's no miracle drug! weird, weird, weird!

My platelet count today is 61, lowish.. but still safe.
Last night when Francesca took a blood sample, she flushed the line with saline and then changed to another syringe and drew blood from the cannula. My thinking is that was wrong.. she should have drawn some of the flushed saline/blood mix out of the vein first, in order to get a good sample. I think it may have skewed the test results.. I asked Biljana about this when she took another sample this morning and she agreed that it was important to draw back the diluted saline/blood and discard it before taking a fresh sample. Maybe I'm just fussy.. hang on.. who am I kidding! I'm a total control freak! They have even taken to bringing my IV's into my room one at a time now. Apparently they don't like the idea of me changing them myself. Sheesh.. I'd do everything if I could!

Heart rate is quite elevated. It was still pounding at 124bpm about ten minutes after climbing the stairs this morning returning from breakfast. I'm on the second floor (ground, 1st, 2nd) so it's a bit of a hike. I had the same thing last cycle.. it will improve tomorrow.. Just the steroids waning. My haemoglobin and Red cell counts are OK-ish, so it's not because of a lack of oxygen to my muscles.
When I first started treatment back in 2005 I made a promise to myself that I would never use a lift, always the stairs. It's days like today that I rue the decision to have ever made such a resolution! It was all part of my plan to not accept the disease. It was not going to make me an invalid. Taking the lift is for sick people. I'm not unwell, I'm just going through a bumpy patch! honest! :)

I'll pop outside shortly... see if I can't walk up the path to the main road. Should be good for a laugh if nothing else! I haven't so much as looked out the front door since last Sunday. I'm thinking if I can manage it, I'll head for the gas station and grab a packet of peanut M&M's. I think I've earned them..

4PM: Odd.. I managed to get about 100M down the road and my heart started pounding. I felt like I'd just sprinted the whole way. I genuinely felt worried that I'd be stuck on the side of the road having some sort of turn. I decided to ignore it. Not much I could do.. and besides turning back meant going up hill. I paced myself a little slower and I was fine. It actually felt really good!. Like I was burning some of the toxins out of my system. I managed to walk for just on an hour.. so maybe four or five Km's. I picked up those M&M's too!.

Oh..BTW.. tummy is all good now.. I'm sure you wanted to hear that.

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