Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 5: Cycle Two

Well that's all of the chemo drugs out of the way. I managed to push the last bottle of fluids into myself by 11pm last night. I've got five small bottles to get through today, no chemo drugs... just 'infusions' of vitamins, liver cleansers etc.. I've taken to changing the bottles myself, it saves time and I don't have to phone the nurses every hour or so to do something that's pretty straight forward. I think they appreciate it too. (The doctors don't though, Dr D wasn't happy when I mentioned it, but I always check with the nurses on flow rates and the correct order. Apparently if I had a central line fitted it could cause problems... but as Dr D failed on that count, it's not exactly a concern.)

I feel okish. The term "Gluggy" best describes it. Not really all that sick, but off colour. Certainly not the the 'green around the gills, room spinning' sort of thing that most people get. I count my blessings on that front.

I've been told by one of the nurses that the Neumega arrived yesterday. A 17 day supply.
I'm still not sure what to do there... I've suggested to the Dr's that we start it after the counts come in tomorrow and Sunday. However I'm guessing that now they have purchased about $8K worth of the drug, they are going to be pushing me pretty hard to start on it. Despite it being nearly one month late in arriving. Personally I believe that if I can achieve platelet counts above 30 then I'd not bother. It's more important to keep the White Blood Count up using GCSF.
A low WBC leaves me open to rampant infection and precludes air travel home.
I heard that it is possible that Neumega can suppress WBC production in the marrow.. whether that's true I don't know.. Funny how medicine isn't an exact science.. for every study there are a dozen others to contradict it. (I see this week they are telling us coffee is good for you.. again.)

Bela the physiotherapist just stopped by, I've organised a 2pm massage. I'll follow that up with some time in the gym. Sitting here at this table typing away all day really does nothing for my posture and muscle tone. I was really surprised at how much better I felt in the chest, arms and shoulders after Tuesday's effort.

Some low-life scum tried to break into the Total Performance workshop again last night. Man that gets me wound up! They tried to jimmy the door off it's frame. Failed.
But had they succeeded and stolen anything, gotten to my race car... I can't imagine the stress I'd be under right now. Unable to do anything from so far away. It's an awful feeling just thinking about the fact the vermin are out their planning there next attempt. grrr! Luckily I have Murray and Kurt to take care of the temporary repairs. Thanks guys.

Haven't had my meeting with Dr D today yet. Not expecting any surprises. Oh I hear him outside the door... lets wait and see what he has to say, before I sign off....
Oh good... nothing new.. Told him I'm all good, and nothing to worry about at at this point in time. I reinforced my plan to wait for blood count results tomorrow and Sunday before proceeding in any one direction. I just made sure we were both saying "yes" all the time and that way he's goes away totally happy.

OK, that's all for another 24 hours. Maybe tomorrow I'll get outside for a while if the 'post steroid come-down' is not too vicious.


Anonymous said...

Dont you have an outside camera at the workshop?
But I suppose the scum was wearing a hoodie and a cap so couldn't be identified :(


Anonymous said...

did you catch the attempted thief on camera? if so you could do what you joked about with that kid at manor dr, and tape his pictures all over the windows ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron

Good to see you’re doing so well.
If you find out who tried gaining entry into your workshop I am all ways keen to take them for a boot ride lol.
Its good to hear you have the energy to do a work out but I think you should do some lower body exercise as in work on your chicken legs.
