Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day one continues..

A lot can happen in an hour. Add to that the curious situation of having a body that thinks it's 7:30 in the morning when it's 9:30 at night and you get an inkling of my topsy turvy little world.

Dr Drasynski came in while I was hitting "send" on my last post. He said he came by earlier in the day but I was asleep, so he left me alone..

..Hilarious side issue.. while typing this a phone started to ring in my room, I looked around and saw that the Dr had left his phone behind. I answered it but the person did not speak English.. here I am saying "phone is in room 37" and the other person is talking flat out in German. I hang up. They phone back.. same result.

So I phoned the nurse and told him, he came up and we just had a 20 minute conversation about life, 16 y/o daughters (That's you Ashleigh) and places in the world to live. Really nice guy. Marcus would be about 45, is tall and with short grey hair.

OK back to Dr Drasynski. As I said, he came by, we discussed my medical history and he took a page of notes. He had not been forwarded the medical records I had sent, but was working from a basic email I had written right back when I first enquired.
He seems to have gotten used to my accent, or maybe I'm speaking slower and clearer, which-ever it is has made communicating a lot easier. Dr D is very tall, mid 30's, wears basketball sneakers and seems a little awkward.. perhaps he's a basketballer by day and Dr by night.

Every single person I have met from the taxi driver to the doctors have all said they want to come to New Zealand. It seems to be the standard thing to say, perhaps it's a conversation starter, perhaps not.

With regards to the IV's. One is a special form of Selenium; another a special form of Vitamin D and Calcium; and lastly an Amino Acid mix to prevent chemo from causing liver problems, plus several other useful supplements are included. (yes I cut and pasted that).

Marcus has given me something for my stomach upset, I haven't taken it yet as it seems to have passed if you'll excuse the pun. I worry that if I drink his potion I may have to make a very quick trip to my bathroom sometime in the night. Luckily the room has an en suite :)

I have the TV running in the background. It's playing old dramas from the 80's, but at least they are in English. When I first turned it on I got "Home Improvement" only Tim the toolman Taylor spoke German as did Al. I changed the channel and found the ubiquitous "Simpsons" was screening. You guessed it.. in German! and no effort had been made to get the voices even close to the originals. Homer just sounded like Tim the toolman.. Hmmm probably was, how many voice-over guys can there be ?

Well it's time for me to go to bed. You guys will be on your way to work, and those of you that are reading this will probably do so while I sleep. I think some days you may see no new postings as the time difference combined with the internet dropping off all the time could mean some quite large gaps. But don't worry I'll text Sarah if there's anything important to tell.

Oh one last thing to gloat about... I tried sending email today but my ISP in NZ, Paradise, won't accept relayed emails, so rejects my attempt to send anything. I had no way of knowing who the clinic uses as an email gateway but took a punt, tried a few things and found that I can relay my email through their servers.. It works fine.. just hope they don't find out! And as Tim the Toolman Taylor would say.. "Sie können zu viel Energie nie haben" !!
(You can never have too much power!)

Goodnight all ! :)


Jota said...

Good to hear you are settled in and your humor is still in fine form!
Do you remember my sister Michelle? She is in NP hospital just been given the "it's the C word and too late to do anything" First we heard so shell shock all round here. Guess we'll all be hitting the internet for some other options.
You haven't mentioned any nurses.... very restrained of you :)

Ron Scanlan said...

I'm really sorry to hear about Michelle. I hope you find something to help. There's always this place.
The two day nurses I've met so far are nice. All the staff insist that I phone them for anything I want. The service is amazing. Marcus the night nurse, is a guy so I won't be doing any flirting there!

Anonymous said...

Haha woo I got a mention ;)
Shame about the food you mentioned in the other blog, im sitting at the trainstation with gary waiting for the train to go to the ekka (brisbane show) from what I hear they have excellent butter chicken ;)

Much love! Xox
Ashleigh (can't put my name in, on my mobile :( )

Jota said...

Really pleased to hear that you are abstaining from flirting with the male nurses!!!