Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Accidental Tourist

Yeah, I know.. This blog is supposed to be about cancer, treatment and progress, but hey when in Rome (or Hong Kong) it's only fair that I step outside for a little R&R and take a look around.

You could be forgiven for confusing Hong Kong for Beijing, the view is the same.. that of a hazy grey blanket that smothers everything.
I took a train ride into the city this afternoon and then a walk along the waterfront. The first thing that you see as you approach the city is the hundreds of pencil thin apartment buildings that house the general population. I can't imagine a more depressing way to live. We really do have it good in NZ with our 1/4 acre slices of paradise.

After walking around for a while I thought I'd get brave and check out some of the back streets.
I could have been forgiven for thinking I'd somehow bumped my head and woken up in a scene from the movie "Bladerunner". Everywhere there are neon signs and huge video screens promoting rampant consumerism. Your life will be so much better when you buy a Samsung product or so we are told..

It was 6pm on a Sunday night and there was crowds everywhere, I can't imagine what it must be like on a busy day. It felt so strange to be walking around as a tall Eurpoean in a sea of short Asians. Most of the women are under 5' tall, the men slightly taller, but there were a lot of very tall teenage boys.. must be something new in the water.

I caught the train back, having walked probably 10 k's today, nearly all of it under cover as there are walkways linking most of the buildings together. Navigating the train station alone was monumental., probably a half km walk underground as I went in at the wrong entrance.

I've ordered some room service Singapore noodles for dinner, should be interesting.. the eggs Benedict I had for breakfast had been grilled to the point the hollandaise sauce had gone crispy and brown. Then there was the game of "Hide the toast" where I figured I must have been served some because I had butter and jam sachets on my plate.. but no toast. Finally after giving up looking I grabbed the napkin to wipe my chin and four pieces of curled up toast jumped out and were flung across the room. Still tasted good though!

OK enough whining.. I'm sounding decidedly like the English on holiday.. ;)

Catch you tomorrow where I'll review the Lufthansa flight, oh and first impressions of the clinic.



Anonymous said...

we thought youd find some kind of electronics mekkah...a dick smiths as big as the warehouse or something. youd end up buying some sort of robotic whatever and get so engrossed youd miss your flight.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, oh i so agree with the dick smiths.

Ron Scanlan said...

I wish! But alas no. Just heaps of camera and cellphone stores. Definately the place to go if you need a new mobile.