Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 3, the hunt for soap and happiness.

Feeling a little flat today.
Started well, I slept right through the night for the first time, 9 1/2 hours in total.
Had breakfast, cornflakes and toast. Then headed off in search of a chemist or shop in the village that sold shampoo and soap.

This really is a quaint little place, they appear to put a lot of effort into keeping everything in true Bavarian style. Narrow lanes dotted with beautiful guest houses and cafes all built to the Bavarian style of block or concrete ground floor with timber used on the floors above. They are generally painted with ornate trim and pictures of cherubs, historical or religious themes.

I found a little 'Apotheke' or Pharmacy on the main road and enquired of the woman behind the counter if she spoke English. She pinched her finger and thumb together and said "just a little".
Luckily the German word for Shampoo is, umm, shampoo and the word for soap "seife" is close enough not be confused for any of the more embarrassing things one finds at a chemists.

I paid the lady 10.95Euro (about $25) for what was probably the most expensive brands on the market, but I wasn't going to argue. Twirling my little white plastic bag of hygiene products I headed out the door for a bit more sight seeing before I returned to the Klinik.

I think the most paradoxical thing I've seen was the cigarette dispensing machine in the middle of no-where. Here I was, strolling around a region renowned for it's 2200 private health spas and there stuck next to a paddock of cows is a cancer dispensing machine. I tell you these Germans certainly know their target market, it's either cows, or they have an overly developed concept of irony, perhaps both.

I returned home having taken a few dozen happy snaps and was greeted by Dr Kopic and a new face, that of Dr Glonti. They told me that they were sending my stem cells back to NZ.
My heart sunk, Sarah and I have put so much time, effort and money into getting them here it's hard not to feel like somehow there's an element of failure in it all.
Couple that with the more off than on internet connection that is proving to be a cause of great stress in that it always seems to go down just when Sarah pops online to chat before she heads off to bed. Today it caused endless problems at a time we both really needed to talk.

Hence the crappy start to the day.

I think I'll post this now, along with the cigarette machine pic and tell you about today's treatment later. Once I've cheered myself up.

1 comment:

Jota said...

Ron, if sarah goes onto this website, there are really cheap calls. It's an excellent system, easy to use and no hidden charges. Might take away the frustration of trying to depend on the internet connection. Being away from loved one when life is hitting you is horrible, doing that myself at the mo but at least we are still in the same country. Happy thoughtrs and prayers to you both.