Wednesday, August 13, 2008

and on a lighter note..

Lets talk about the food again..
I just ate dinner, it was quite nice, although I have no idea what it was.
However I feel the same tummy ache coming on that I suffered last night.

The Germans love mixing fruit with meat, and nuts with vegetables.. vegetables that I've never even heard of let alone considered eating. Perhaps it's a legacy of the hardship faced by European peasant farmers down through the centuries. Forced to eat what ever grew, Turnips, barley, oats etc..

Tomorrows menu includes such delicacies as "Celery cream soup with peanuts", "Red onion soup with Goat cheese croutons" and my all time favorite "Broccoli Soup". Oh yum.

Tomorrow I have to go on a mission into the village to buy some soap and shampoo, I forgot to pack any and the clinic does not provide them. Should be interesting conversing with the shop keepers.
Actually most of the locals speak fluent English due to there having been a US military base here up until a few years back.

Oh gotta run... Tummy.


Anonymous said...

I truly believe this is karma. For all those veges you have insulted and left behind during your life - they will return...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ronnie Ken tells me the food won't get any better only worse as time goes on hahaha.
We could send some home care food parcels. I'm glad to hear you are in the right place and hope for you yet.(excuse the pun)
With everyone speaking english it will make your stay a little easier.
Luv ya Denise

Anonymous said...

sarahs right about those veges, dontcha wish you had them now? :P

it's great people there are speaking english, maybe you can talk to them instead of hacking hospital servers and what not ;)

i've eaten an entire bag of peanuts tonight, im sure you'd be jealous ;) enjoy your soup! mwuahahaha


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron - Just read the car club bulletin and saw you had headed to Germany. Then decided to take a look at your blog.A really good read. Great decision to head to Europe Ron - I wish you all the best with your treatment and make sure before you come home you rent a fast car and have a spin on the Autobahn. I'll follow your progress. David