Monday, March 19, 2012

Adcetris the second cycle. Day 0

Had a fairly uneventful trip to Palmerston North this afternoon for my second cycle of adcetris.
Once again it was all over and done with in just over thirty minutes. I feel completely normal and at this early stage of the cycle I don't expect to have any side effects. They will come later in the week if last cycle is anything to go by. Some people have said that each cycle's side effects are different and you can't always go by previous results. We shall see I guess.

One piece of really good news is that I've been allowed to continue dropping my dose of prednisone.
The doctor has suggested a reduction rate of 1mg per week. This is twice as fast as I would have done it.
I guess I'll just keep dropping until I start to feel side effects and slow down at that point, possibly stabilising at a dose before dropping further if there are problems.

Posts won't be so often now, probably every few days or so unless something interesting or different happens  :)


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