Friday, December 2, 2011

and up..

It's Friday afternoon December 2nd.
I've just completed my last session (day 8) of my third and now last cycle of Vinorelbine.
Dr D'Souza had suggested today when we spoke that I have a fourth. I declined.
I don't think the benefits are outweighing the results and I want to be well over Christmas/summer break. My blood counts were a little low today, but as I feel so good I suggested we put off a blood transfusion until after the weekend. So I'm back in first thing Monday for another two units.

That then lead us on to Brentuximab (Adcetris). He has given the hospital pharmacy the go ahead to order the drug, just four cycles for now at $20K-ish per cycle. We will then evaluate the results and decide on how many more cycles from there. Each cycle consists of a dose of 1.8mg per Kg of body weight (70kg), given once every three weeks. There's a possibility that we could run anything up to and beyond nine cycles.

He is applying to the Ministry of health for permission for the first cycle to be administered at Wellington Hospital on the grounds that if I have any sort of reaction to the drug they will be able to give me immediate treatment. Something not available in a private clinic.
Other subsequent cycles will be done by a private oncologist probably in Palmerston North, The only one in Wellington is currently unavailable. The reason for all this is that the NZ Govt won't pay for treatment associated with a privately imported drug. I won't even touch on the politics of how unfair that all seems. I'm just happy to have some progress.

Yesterday and today I have had a good amount of energy. Not a huge amount, anyone else would probably call an ambulance if they suddenly started feeling like I do right now. But it's enough to be able to walk around and by pacing myself I have managed to get a fair few errands sorted and things done. I even put a spanner to the car that's been on my hoist for the last six months.
I mildly bumped my arms a couple of times against things and lost a few chunks of skin, such is the damage that prednisone has done in thinning my skin. I think I'll make up some sort of sleeve arrangement to protect my forearms.

I suggested to Sarah that we buy a little run-around for her to drive so that she saves a few dollars on petrol and doesn't wear out the Subaru Impreza STi which is now getting up in the K's, but too good a car to move on. She agreed and we found a really nice low K's Toyota Vitz that by chance was being sold on Trademe by an old friend of mine from the motor-trade.

The only fault we could find was that the air-con wasn't working and I told him that my experience with air-con systems is that they seem to cost around $500 to fix every time they break down. He baulked at the figure and we negotiated a really good deal on the car based on him fixing the air-con at his cost through his work. (he just phoned to say my price was on the money as it needed a new part).
Net result is we got a nice little Toy for $3k under book value and fitted with new tyres and 16" alloy wheels. Bargain!

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