Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Up and Down

I had my first session of my third cycle of Vinorelbine on Friday. I have to admit that I really wasn't looking forward to it. I'd been feeling pretty crappy all last week and the thought of more poison wasn't doing much for my state of mind.

In the end it wasn't too bad, I managed to get through the weekend on some fairly low haemoglobin counts by mainly sitting on the couch and doing as little as I could. Standing up and moving around would bring on a coughing fit and tachycardia, so whenever possible I got Sarah to help me by bringing me snacks and drinks.

Monday I returned to the day ward for two units of whole blood. It's now Wednesday and it seems to have helped considerably with my energy and sense of well being. I'm about to make the 150M walk to the letterbox for the second day in a row. Something that would have been out of the question last week.

This Friday see's my last hit of chemo for the foreseeable future. I'm looking forward to slowly regaining a modicum of stamina as the days go by. Though it probably won't start till 10-14 days from Friday. I think 10 days seems to be the nadir for my blood counts.

Still no word on the Adcetris/Brentuximab drug. One of the haematologists, Travis, had a quick look at the stats and pricing on the drug and was able to confirm that it sells for $6200 per vial out of the UK.
We will need three vials per cycle and between six and nine cycles. It's going to be expensive but right now I'm more focused on just getting our hands on it. The two insurance pay outs more than covers the total, so as it's money I would never have seen had I not had cancer it's easier to mentally right off.

Well it's a fantastic day outside, time to make that walk to the letter box and then pop out for a haircut :)


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