Monday, November 21, 2011

Back to normality.

I'm back home again, they discharged me on Friday afternoon. Twenty four hours after they first said I could go once the paperwork was sorted. You soon learn to take these things with a grain of salt.

I really didn't mind the three day stay anyway. Sure the food was still bad, but I was straight onto the dietitian's the minute I was admitted and they must have remembered me from the last few times because without even seeing me I was put on the "Extras" diet the moment I asked. Meaning I could pad my meals out with poached eggs, baked beans, cans of Diet Sprite and biscuits. This was the first time I've come out of hospital weighing the same as when I went in. I think I'm getting the hang of things ;)

I was back in the day ward today for blood tests and a catch-up with the Doctor.
My counts are all either good or good enough, so no need for anymore blood transfusions this week.
However they did admit they had gotten their chemo schedule out of kilter and I am now due back in this Friday rather that next as we all believed to be the case. A little annoying as I was looking forward to my blood counts climbing high enough to be able to do some work around the house.

My energy levels right now are minimal and I can't see me getting much done this week at all. Bother!

I spoke to a fellow patient in the day ward today, the sister of an old friend from my past.
She was in the chair beside me and asked if my surname was Scanlan, I said yes and she asked if I remembered her sister, which of course I did. We were friends some 30+ years ago.
She said her sister had told her to keep and eye out for me. I asked "but how did she know I had cancer?"  ... "She reads your blog" was the reply.

It's becoming quite scary the number of people I bump into, both old friends and total strangers that read this blog. To me this has become both a record of my treatment for my future reference and a way of keeping family and friends updated on my status.
Knowing that sometimes it is read by complete strangers makes me feel like I should be putting more effort into my writing skills.. Perhaps more stories of Bob or rampaging quadriplegics to entertain a wider audience?. Ultimately that may happen from time to time but for now I stick with the boring updates. :)

I got a phone call from my Income protection insurance provider today. I finally made a claim two months ago once it became obvious that I would not be returning to physical work any time soon.
A problem immediately became apparent. I believed I had insurance cover for when I was unable to earn an income. But the policy was an indemnity cover. Basically they would cover me for two years based on what I earned the year before.

Well since I've been earning less and less since being first diagnosed back in 2005, last years income was pathetic. So on paper it looked like I was going to be paid zip.
The phone call today was to tell me that because I would have been eligible to make a claim in any of the last six years they would base the pay out on my best trading year over that time.
Net result is a very nice lump sum payment that will go towards softening the blow of the cost of Adcetris when it arrives. (when ever that will be)  Full marks to Asteron Insurance for going that extra distance.

Till next time !

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