Thursday, December 8, 2011

A plan..

I received a phone call last night from my haematologist, Dr D'Souza.
He was still working and it was well after 8pm. He said that he had spoken to the private oncologist in Palmerston North and that he was keen to have me as a patient and to give the treatment in his clinic.
This would involve driving to Palmerston North once every three weeks for each of the cycles of Adcetris. Treatment would probably start in late January. This suits me just fine as it gives me a nice break over the Christmas period. Intitially we will go for 4 cycles and appraise the results before deciding on more.

Apparently the doctor orders his drugs through a company in Auckland, so he'll be in touch if they need payment up front. Something I'm fairly sure would be the case when you are importing over $80K worth.

It's been a bit of a weird week, up and down. Feeling well one day and horrible the next.
Some days I feel like I am climbing the walls.. almost like being a prisoner in my own body.
It's a mix of the steroids and the chemo. Today I'm not too bad.
I had two units of blood on Monday and that made me feel quite unsettled for a couple of days.
Sometimes the blood sparks you up straight away, other times it takes a few days to work.
It almost feels like you need to run it through your system for a while before it cleans up..  it's a strange thing.

Tomorrow I'm back into the day ward for a blood test. My counts are still a little low going by a test I had on Wednesday so we just need to see which way the counts are heading and give blood or platelets accordingly. Going by previous cycles I should start making new blood again by this weekend anyway. Then it's six weeks of no treatment and hopefully feeling pretty good!

I've got a tonne of stuff to catch up on both around the section and in the workshop, so I'm hoping my energy levels climb high enough. I've been a bit slack when it comes to going on the treadmill and stationary bike. I injured my achilles heal a few months back and I'm still limping.
Perhaps I'll make that a goal... to be a lot fitter for the new year.


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