Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Just a quick post to update you on my condition and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

My strength and stamina are building quite nicely, so much so that I spent a day helping the electrician wire the new house and workshop earlier this week. Unfortunately I over did things a bit and now every muscle in my body aches! Oh well no pain, no gain.. I must be building new muscle if it hurts this much!

My cough has gone completely, I might get the odd bit of asthma which has me coughing a little for a few minutes but that's always been the case since I was child.
One side effect I have from the steroids is my insatiable appetite, I just can't stop eating!
That's a complete turn-around from when I was sick and food was not even on my radar.

The solution is to exercise more of course. That way I can put on some healthy weight and get fit at the same time :)

Once again wishing everyone a great Christmas and a fantastic new year!! ..Ron

1 comment:

Jota said...

Merry Christmas to you too Ron and Sarah.
Trust this year ahead will be filled with health and happiness for you both. Tx