Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fever this morning... and a hair-cut

I slept in quite late this morning and when I woke I had a back ache and felt slightly chilled.
I'd missed taking my prednisone by about three hours. I checked my temperature and it was a very high 38.5C, 2 degrees higher than my normal figure.

I took a single panadol for the back ache along with my 30mg prednisone. I've been sweating ever since as my temperature slowly normalises. It's got me a little worried. Maybe 30mg is not enough, maybe it was dropped from 40mg too soon?

It's not like you can just go back up to 40mg as when it comes to steroids to need to start high with a sledge hammer blow and drop down from there. So I may need to go back to 60mg again and then back to 40mg till I see the doctor in late January.

It may be nothing.. I'll see what happens tomorrow morning and monitor my temperature during the day. I really don't want to find myself back with a 24/7 fever again.
In hindsight I have been a bit hot and sweaty in the mornings since Tuesday when I dropped the steroid dose. I just put it all down to over-doing it on Monday but perhaps it's dose related.

If you wonder why I'm sharing this, it's mainly so I have a record for the future.
Lets see what tomorrow brings..

Meanwhile Sarah and I decided it was time to cut my hair short again. It just hasn't recovered from all the chemo and the passing of time.. Time to face facts ...I'll never have long thick hair again. So it's now short and a bit thin on top.. Oh well.


Loren said...

Hi Ron,

My dog was on prednesone for about nine months (supposed to be a year)
to treat an auto immune disorder. His dosages were dropped very gradually over that period. I don't remember
exact times or dosages, but I'm sure
his does was only dropped every 2 months. We eventually stopped his
treatment after nine months because
the side effects were pretty bad...
he was fine without it though.

two years later the same disorder
reappeared, but the prednesone cured
him again in a much shorted period.

I hope this helps.


Loren said...

of course the physiology of dog might
be quite different, but it's probably
worth researching human dosages some