Saturday, March 7, 2009


After getting such good results from my blood test on Wednesday I was expecting my counts to look even better when I had a them tested on Thursday afternoon. I had changed my appointment from Friday so that I could go to Manfeild race track and help with testing of Murray O'Neil's race car, which I sponsor under the Flextech banner. I wasn't able to offer much more than my experience with tuning of the on-board computer. I left any sort of physical work to the others as my energy levels are far to low for anything more than just walking short distances.

Which brings me back to the blood test on Thursday.. all my counts were lower than they had been the day before. Why I have no idea. Maybe they were higher because of the GCSF growth factors and now they have stopped the counts are dropping.. maybe it's too soon for my marrow to have recovered.. the biggest fear is that the stem cells haven't taken. That would be a huge disaster, one I try not to contemplate..

I'm leaving for another blood test now. I'll post the results when I get back.

5 hours pass... It's amazing how long it takes for anything to get done in hospital. The blood test results took 2 hours to come back, they were expected in thirty minutes. The platelet count was a paltry 6 so I was given a unit of platelets. These were administered over a thirty minute period. It then took another 25 minutes of continuous beeping from the IV unit before I was seen to and a saline drip administered over a further ten minutes. Twenty more minutes of beeping passed before I was unhooked from that and sent on my way.

I spoke with the Doctor and she was not concerned at the counts. She said that the high of last week was from the GCSF and that I may get more (GCSF) when I come back in on Monday for another blood test. Today would be day 17 if I was having conventional chemo and waiting for my counts to return. It would not be until day 21 that I would expect to see counts climbing, so it's early days yet I guess.

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