Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 12: Cycle Two. Isolation, No counts of my own.

Remember that parachute I talked about building a couple days ago? Would have been kinda handy about now. I had a blood transfusion late last night, two units of whole blood. This was in anticipation of a reduction in red cells when the neumega kicks in. It's a lucky thing I had the trans, I'd say my blood counts are basically made up of what I got from that blood.
White count is 1 and platelets are 24. I would say that my marrow is all but gone right now. However despite the low numbers, they are still better than same time last cycle. But I'm splitting hairs with such low counts.

Oddly enough I feel fine. However I won't leave my room for a day or two. It's just not worth it.
The doctors just dropped by, all masked up. Nothing new to add, we just discussed where the counts are at and what the plan is. I'll get another platelet transfusion immediately, plus this evening IV antibiotics just in case of infection.

Doctor Kopic keeps talking about possible further treatments. That really bothers me, as I'm not planning on relapsing! He talked about possible treatment options based around the results of a PET scan in 6-8 weeks time.(That would make four PET scans I've had in total, equal to the most anyone has had in NZ according to Pacific Radiology). I'm totally focused on being disease free when I leave here. I don't think it's healthy to think about relapsing unless it actually occurs.

I told the doctors that I went for a long walk yesterday, They looked at each other in horror!.
I said I was fine. But apparently they still think I'm going to bleed to death on the side of the road from some minor injury. Maybe they aren't familiar with the Kiwi attitude!
You have to remember that Dr K speaks very poor English. Most of the details are relayed via Dr D. However I didn't miss the dig that he made about me thinking I was Lance Armstrong.

7:24pm.(5:24am NZ time) I had a suspicion that I was running a slight fever, I asked the nurse to check my temperature.. I was right, 38.3. She's gone to get the doctor.. I'll keep you updated.

8:37pm: I've been given some industrial strength antibiotics via IV, and had some blood taken to be tested for any nastys. I should say that other than feeling chilled one minute and hot the next, I don't feel in any way like I have picked up anything. Tests will tell. With almost no immune system to speak of,this is a very serious situation, so I'll stay awake until I'm sure I'm OK. It's probably just a reaction to the neumega, it's a known side effect.
Will start a new post if I get worse..

11:11pm: I appear to be stable. So it's probably just a reaction. Going to get some sleep.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron, I thought I would let you know I went to the pen drive linux site and have started to use it, what a fantastic little OS, Very cool link! Thanks for posting that. Sounds like some R&R might be the order of the day, get your strength back for the trip home. Cheers Glenn

Ron Scanlan said...

Hi Glenn,
Yeah that Pendrive concept is pretty cool. Once I had all my own settings, links etc saved and run as a persistant install, it's brilliant. I'm stuck in this room until my counts improve, so resting is pretty much compulsary right now. Catch ya when I get back!