Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday round-up.

Being hooked up to an IV most of the day isn't what most people would call fun.
Certainly if this were a package holiday marketed towards the masochistic among us, then I'd definitely recommend it. But no, the element of fun is definitely in short supply on this particular Bavarian getaway. Bringing your partner along to share in the misery is about a thumb-screw short of sadism.

But she's here now so she might as well share in the pain. And share in it she is! I was woken this morning by the noise of her going out the door. I could see she was dressed in her running gear, all set to pound the pathways and walking tracks in search of blisters, pulled muscles and heat shock. You have to admit once she gets into something, Sarah really does give it her all.
I'll see if I can't arrange for a session in the Pizza Oven just to bring her completely up to speed on the suffering front.

Blood counts are only slightly better than yesterday, with the White Blood Count up to .6 from .4.
Platelets are now in a safe range at a very respectable (for me) 61. It's interesting that 2 units of whole blood didn't make more of a difference to the WBC. Had another GCSF this morning and I've started on my Goji juice as well. Here's hoping that the platelets stay put tomorrow and that we see a definate increase in WBC as well..

I'm supposed to be still under isolation today, I've been told I can walk around outside but only with a mask. However we snuck downstairs for breakfast, so having the kitchen staff deliver food to us in masks for lunch and dinner would have been little on the nose. To that end I asked Dr K if I could eat in the restaurant. He said we could, but not to tell anyone he said so. ..Ooops.

I got my four "infusions" over and done with as soon as I could today. I hate having them and as Dr K said that I could have the line removed from my left wrist today in order to help with the healing of the inflamed cannula site on the same arm, I thought I'd get them out of the way as soon as possible and regain some relative freedom.

Major yuk factor.. When the nurse pulled the large adhesive bandage off my wrist, complete with much hair, the needle and a lot of pain, it opened a small hole in my wrist. She placed a swab on it and I asked if it would need a bandage. She said it would be ok if I held it in place for a few minutes then just leave it. Bzzzt wrong! I removed the swab after a short time and a little geyser of blood squirted out from my wrist and onto the cushion of my seat, also covering my wrist in just a few seconds. I quickly placed the swab back on the hole and waited another five minutes before trying, this time successfully, to uncover it.

Yesterday I asked that our TV be swapped for a better one as the 14" one we had didn't always work and had no AV inputs for my DVR (Digital Video Recorder) preventing me from watching my ..umm.. fully ligit "backups" of my movie collection.

Nothing came of it, so I asked again this morning. Some time later there's a knock on the door and then Andy enters carrying a television only slightly smaller than the doorway he had just struggled to manoeuvre it through. It's a 32" Panasonic widescreen, talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous! Once connected and turned on, he picked up the tiny 14" unit, placed it under his arm and left.

Pic below :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron and Sarah

You guys probably do not remember who I am as I have only meet you through motorsport.

Anyway just wishing you all the best with your treatment and hope to see you ringing the neck of the EVO sometime soon.

See ya

P.S. If you ever get past running your workshop Oxford might have a job opening for you proof reading the dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Sarah don't let him pick on you, we women know what we are doing at all times, if we are getting lost its because we know we are lost and maybe we want to be lost only to not lose our way again. Love ya :>)

Anonymous said...

Hey - when it comes to viewing pleasure - size matters!! I suggest you complain and get a projector!!
Hope those "backups" work....
mmmm is that red wine I see in the distance?

Ron Scanlan said...

Great to hear from you Roger! :)

Michal.. That's Sarah's wine, she's already built up a small collection, what do you think all those trips to the grocery store are for! ;)