Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday Morning Day 16

I stayed up late last night, My platelet transfusion didn't start until 11pm. It was all done by around midnight but by then I'd had a reaction to the foreign platelets and my body was producing histamines as it's first line of defence. I became incredibly itchy! I asked nurse Manja for some anti-histamine and she offered me some cream.. I said I'd need to bath in it!
She gave me the choice of an injection or a pill. I chose the pill.
That made very drowsy and I slept for the next nine hours. Even now 12 hours later I am very sleepy.

I've moved rooms. Karina offered to show me one more room before I moved and I have decided not to go with the large one with the huge TV.
In hindsight the room was wasted.. it had a large separate room off to the side that was no good for anything. The area for the computer was taken up by the LCD TV and their was no balcony.
The room I have chosen now is exactly the same as my last room only it's a mirror image.
The TV is tiny, 14" but I think that its' fitting that the telly's size be representative of quality of the broadcasts it shows. :)

Sarah texted me to say her plane was delayed due to a computer fault on board, she's now expected to arrive in Munich an hour late at 6:35pm.
I don't have any real plans for today other sleep and possibly a short walk to find Tenenbaums grocery store. Right now I am fighting to stay awake.. I'm so incredibly drowsy and it's only 11am.

Hey one really cool thing that happens here are fighter jets that roar across the sky every now and then. They fly quite low and at amazing speeds! When I was a young boy I used to see formations of air-force trainers and jets flying low up the Hutt Valley at various times. Not likely to ever see that again in NZ since Helen sold off our air-force trainers and moth-balled what was left of our Jets. Ooh another one just went over so fast I missed it! The screaming jet engine roar is just a pure adrenaline rush! OK I'm awake now! :)

The sky is criss-crossed with vapour trails.
New room pics below for those of you with voyeuristic tendencies ;)

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