Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Dr Kopic has just visited me on his morning rounds.
The very first thing he said as he entered the room and shook my hand was..

"I have very good news.. Your bone marrow is clear"

This is the absolute best news I could have.. To have no bone marrow involvement is just fantastic! The doctors at Wgtn told me my marrow was involved, but I could never understand how they knew that without testing. I guess they believed that because it had been wiped out so badly by the chemo that it must have been as a result of involvement. The chances of long term remission are now greatly improved.

I talked to Dr K about a few other things.. One of which is the tinnitus that has developed as a result taking the Cisplatin component of the DHAP regimen. I've always had a little bit of tinnitus.. a ringing in my ears as a result of a misspent youth. Too many loud concerts, stereos and angle grinders without ear protection. However this has now increased to the point that it is a constant ring that could drive you nuts if you were to focus on it. I just block it out, being alive to hear it is what counts. It's a small price to pay..
The Doctor says he can give me something to help it and will give me extra protection for the second round of chemo.

OK.. shall go now and enjoy my happiness.. It's a fantastic day! ..Yahooo! I don't have cancer in my bone marrow!!!! :-)

8pm.. Sarah has arrived safe and happy. :)


Anonymous said...

Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay, and Hazel is with me too and she says Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay,
and Graham is in bed and he groggily says Yay, we are so happy for you and very very releived...........the next best thing to happen today is Sarah will be there Yay Yay Yay.
Give her an extra cuddle from us. This is so good Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron, Thats the best news ever. I will ring mum first thing in the morning with the good news.
Much love Joy

Jota said...

A double whammy good day!
Enjoy each other :)

gollygoshgumgoo said...

Awesome dude! That's fantastic news. Baz and I are rapt for you.
Bug hugs
Toni X

Anonymous said...

Ron....Great News, and glad that Sarah has arrived.
I won't say I love you 'cause that would be weird, but I will say if you hear a ringing it maybe the phone..... ;>

Anonymous said...

Oh what the hell.... here is a little smacker x x (I'm european so it's my culture)

Anonymous said...

oh geezzz... that great to hear.

very happy to hear it

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron we are all so pleased for you great to get some good news for a change.
Say hello to Sarah for me.
Love ya Denise

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron
Fantastic news, I am so happy I could cry, this is just what we have been waiting to hear. Anyone as postive as you are will surely beat this.
Yay from me too.

Anonymous said...

Thats so good to hear really happy for you! NZ doctors sound pretty dodgy, blind leading the blind. I'm sure Gogi juice must be good for you, stacks of studies on the benefits of vitamins that exclude the placebo effect.