Monday, August 25, 2008

Five minutes in Bad Tolz: The recall to clinic.

Bugger! Bugger! Bugger!
It's not like I didn't warn them, I certainly told you all here last week that it would happen..
My platelet count is now a miserly 24. That's ten fold less than the average.

So there I was sitting at the back of the bus on my way to Bad Tolz for an afternoon of ice-cream, shopping and exploring, when my phone rings. I knew I should have left it behind!.
It was Christine from the clinic, she asked where I was.. "On the bus to Bad Tolz" I replied..
"Can you please get off the bus at the depot and wait for Andy our driver to pick you up?"
She sounded concerned.. "Your blood count is very low". I asked her what it was.. 24. I told her I've had worse. I wasn't in a position to argue. Tripping on a curb or a slight bang to the head could be fatal.

"In an adult, a normal count is about 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter (x 10–6/Liter) of blood.
If platelet levels fall below 20,000 per microliter, spontaneous bleeding may occur and is considered a life-threatening risk."

Pam and Angela waited with me for Andy to arrive at the bus depot and from there we went our separate ways.
So here I am stuck in my room with nothing to look forward to but another line to be installed in my sunken veins and yet another round of infusions.
When Dr K stops in I shall give him a rev! I warned him days ago that we would miss the point where we could pull out of an uncontrolled dive in my platelets and he just assumed they would get better. Sheesh, it's not like I haven't been through this all before! Bring on the Goji juice I say! I'll have those little suckers numbering back in the billions in no time. :)

Oh I have chosen my new room. It's really big and has a huge LCD TV so I can watch the same mind numbingly boring crap in wide-screen! I can hardly wait!.

Right I'll go find someplace soft to lay down and try to avoid sneezing.. will post if anything exciting happens like spontaneous bleeding from the eyes.. ;-)

...thirty minutes pass..
I was just about hit the "post" button when Dr K and a nurse entered my room with a large collections of needles, swabs and bandages in a tray.
Knowing what I was in for, I chose to lay on the bed. Dr K Inserted a new line into one of my few remaining visible veins. There are so few of them left now that I should give them names.
He found one in my left wrist. It's hurting slightly and slows my two finger typing down to a crawl.
I'm on an IV now too.. don't know what, don't really care. They aren't my friends those IV's..
They took another 3 vials of blood for testing.. That's five today already. Needle phobia anyone??
The plan is to give me 2 units of platelets this afternoon. Woohoo! I'll be feeling like crap tomorrow!

Ok as you were.. :)


Jota said...

YAHOO for Sarah coming... a bright light to look forward to. What timing.Keep hanging in there Ron.
Know all about the needle thing - every lumbar puncture I had (when I had meningitis)was 2 attempts to get that VERY lonooog needle in, although still doesn't beat the pin cushion look you must have! I can still feel where they went in 7 years later.
To end on a high note - YAHOO for Sarah coming.!!

Anonymous said...

Right..I have some important technical questions ;> ... How big is the TV? and can the Archos plug into it so you can view your pirated (sorry I meant to say "backup")movies?
Has anything spontaneous happened -like bleeding from the eyes? - will there be a pic of that??

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron

You have been through so much, we are all praying that the results from Greece are what you want to hear. Sarah being with you will be a big boost I'm sure.
Love you lots